Courses Dutch

Are you new in the Netherlands and want to learn Dutch?

AS Taaltrainingen organises Dutch courses in Ede, from beginners to advanced.

You can learn Dutch in small groups of up to four people or you can take private lessons.

The emphasis will be on speaking, but there will also be attention for listening and writing proficiency as well as Dutch culture.

The exercises can be modified to your wishes and daily circumstances.

If you have trouble with a certain area, we can spend extra time on it.

I align my lessons to your needs to the best of my ability.

Tarifs and methods


The intakeconversation is without obligation and takes about 30 minutes.

During this conversation we will discuss:

  • Your starting level
  • Your goal and how fast you wish to achieve it
  • The teaching method
  • The location where the lessons will take place
  • The frequency and the duration of the lessons
  • The costs



Private lessons: € 40,-- per hour

Group lessons: € 55,-- per hour (up to 4 people)

Companytraining: upon request

These prices are excluding costs for the textbooks.



The choice of teaching materials depends on your knowledge and skills.

Beside the chosen method I often make use of other materials and recources such as specific grammer-,writing-,speaking- or reading exercises from other methods as well as songs, videos, role playing, stories, articles, etc.

The lessons can be tailored to suit your wishes and capabilities


From the beginning we will be speaking Dutch as much as possible, I do however speak French and I can manage fine with English and German. During the lessons we will give special attention to speaking skills.

The lessons can be given at my house in Ede, at your house or at your employer.

The price for lessons on location is higher, depending on distance and travel time.

The lessons can also be given online.

About me

My name is Anne Schuddinck and I'm a language trainer French and Dutch.

I was born and raised in Belgium, but I have been living in the Netherlands since 1991.
I started by working for a company, but, perhaps because of my bilingual upbringing, I soon found out that I really enjoy working with languages. That is why I started studying French in Utrecht. I finished the education for Dutch-French translator at ITV college for translating and interpreters and shortly after I started working as a teacher French at a language school.

I really like languages; I like working with adults and I have a lot of interest for other cultures. That's why, in 2017, I decided to expand my field of work by teaching Dutch to non-native speakers. In 2018-2019 I followed the training programme to become a Dutch teacher for speakers of other languages at Radboud in'to Languages in Nijmegen. Since 2018 I have been giving Dutch courses through a language institution to people preparing for the integration exam.

Beginning 2019 I started my own business as an independent language teacher French and Dutch. I give courses to both beginners and more advanced adults, both high- and low educated.

For more information, please contact me.

I hope to be able to share my passion for Dutch or French with you!